Tourist town of Manali witnessed record over 2,500 tourist vehicles from outside the state on Saturday and these vehicles deposited Green Tax worth Rs 4.75 lakh which is a new record here. After seeing a little slump in Himachal tourism in April and May, June has proved out to be a bumper month in terms of tourist arrival. In May, about 1,000 tourist vehicles from outside Himachal Pradesh were entering Manali ever day and the number has increased even more than double in June. Apart from these vehicles, over 5,000 Himachal cabs are ferrying the tourists to several locations. The highways, link roads and streets have jammed with vehicles. Green tax barrier of Manali was set up on June 19, 2004 to collect green fees from all type of vehicles from outside Himachal with an aim of collecting funds to keep Manali clean and green. Over Rs 23 crore have been collected since then. Earlier the highest per day collected amount was close to Rs four lakh. According to an official at barrier, Saturday saw the record number of tourist vehicles from outside the Himachal which helped in generating a revenue worth over Rs 4.75 lakh.
Tourist town of Manali witnessed record over 2,500 tourist vehicles from outside the state on Saturday and these vehicles deposited Green Tax worth Rs 4.75 lakh which is a new record here. After seeing a little slump in Himachal tourism in April and May, June has proved out to be a bumper month in terms